Pascal van Dooren
Being there… while reading a bed time story, cooking a meal, eating it, looking your loved one in the eyes…? As Pascal got married and had kids, he realized how challenging it was to really be there. Especially when the anxiety, worries, and ambitions of the day were still running through his veins. Ever since, Pascal has been searching for ways to embrace these moments.
In studying psychology he focussed on transferring knowledge and skills. And as a free-lance trainer in personal effectiveness, he combines psychology, taoism, Dzogchen Buddhism, systemic, and body work on a daily basis. Many times gently cultivating habits that allow for 1% more presence every day. At other times slam-dunking that awareness, gaining karma points by the 1000’s. BAM!
Seeing Mirjam integrating so many known skills and insights into her tantra interventions he knew he wanted to join House of Being. Tantra workshops by Mirjam, create a perfect training environment for being there, in the moment, with everything that you’ve got.
At House of Being Pascal is assistant in the Intro to Tantra Workshop, the Tantra for Couples Workshop and the Level One Tantra Training.