Coaching for Individuals

with Mirjam

individual coaching guidance

Tantra is about shining light on what’s present for you moment to moment. Excluding nothing, embracing life as it manifests. This process and practice can bring up some confronting stuff. Fear, anxiety, sadness, unmet can all become visible. But also encountering your incredible power, your desires, your fullness can be quite shocking. How to be and show up with all this? Even if you deeply know that inviting all of life in a non judgemental open space is the only way to free yourself from entrapment, and the only way to let your life energy flow freely and abundantly, it takes a whole lot of courage to walk this path and to face life in its fullness. 

It might be helpful and inspiring to walk this path together for a while. We offer individual coaching sessions in which we will work with powerful and effective structures that invite you to shine light on your vulnerable stuff and your shadow sides, noticing that your fears, blockages and sad feelings have a lot to tell you and experiencing that embracing every part of you can truly free you. 

Mirjam combines a deep understanding of Western Psychology, Dzogchen (Tibetan Buddhism) and Tantra with a sparkly down to earth approach on life. 

“How do I work?

Grounded, with humor, safe, easy, profound, clear, loving, intuïtive, embodied, down to earth, gentle, raw.

I mainly work with healing through the body. What do I mean with that?

The body has the capacity to absorb emotions without building on them. The mind grabs emotions and uses them to keep telling you an old story that you’ve heard too many times.

I guide you towards finding freedom inside of you, guiding you back to your heart, your true nature.”

More about Mirjam you can find here.

For whom?

We welcome people of all shapes and sizes. You’re welcome if you are willing to dive deep into the unpredictable truth of the moment, if you dare to be naked, if you’re longing for freedom and joy.



Each session lasts at least 60 minutes (up to 120 minutes)

Possible moments

  • Monday or Tuesday between 10 AM - 1 PM

  • Thursday or Friday between 10 AM - 1 PM


English or Dutch


  • In our coach room in Haarlem

  • Online via Zoom


  • Private

    • € 95,00 per hour (incl. 21% VAT)

  • Independent Contractor (ZZP)

    • € 95,00 per hour (excl. 21% VAT)

  • Business

    • € 130 per hour (excl. 21% VAT)


The session can be cancelled or replaced for free until 24 hours before the planned time.

If cancelled within 24 hours the full costs are due.