What is Tantra?
“Tantra is fully inhabiting the body and surrendering to the totality of the experience”
What is Tantra?
Tantra is about pure freedom, about flowing intimately with all that life has to offer. Every now and then we all experience the connection with and openness to this free flow of manifestation which feels powerful, sensual, creative, free.
In Tantra we shine light on whatever is present for us moment to moment, on the expanded expressions of our energy as well as on the contracted manifestations. We exclude nothing, we embrace life as it manifests.
This process and practice can bring up some confronting stuff. Fear, anxiety, sadness, unmet needs...it can all become visible. But also encountering our incredible power, our desires, our fullness can be quite shocking. How to be and show up with all this?
We work with powerful and effective practices that invite you to shine light on the beautiful and pure aspects of your being as well as on your vulnerable stuff and your shadow sides. You’ll notice that your fears, blockages and sad feelings have a lot to tell you and you’ll experience that embracing every part of yourself can truly free you.
Tantra & Sex
So, Tantra is about consciousness and not particularly about sexuality. Nevertheless the field of intimacy and sexuality can be a space where we can blossom and flow, whilst at the same time it can be a vulnerable and challenging place for truthful being. We all get stuck sometimes in feelings of fear, shame and insecurity when it comes to intimacy and sex; that’s why we bring special attention to authentic connection with ourselves and others in our work.
Why should we practice?
In the deepest essence we practice non dual awareness in which all forms (Shakti) manifest from awareness (Shiva) and dissolve back into it. Along this path of practice we encounter all kinds of difficulties that hold us back from flowing freely and living life as it is.
We offer accessible programs with which we help you to let life unfold so you will get in touch with the natural qualities that emerge from your true nature, such as love, creativity and sensuality..
In doing so, we hold deep respect for the essential teachings. Non dual awareness lies at the heart of everything we do at House of Being.
At House of Being we have a complete Tantra Path set out for you, with an Introduction program, our Level One Tantra program, a Level Two Tantra program and several Level Three experiences.
More about the House of Being journey you can find in our Program section as well as in our Full Calendar.
Know that you are welcome…we hope to see you soon!