Nanneke Landman

Senior Assistant

For over 12 years Nanneke has been exploring the path of Advaita Vedanta, or non-duality, feeling inspired by teachers such as Adyashanti and Mooji. The last years she has been increasingly drawn to the Tantric Path, practicing the full allowance and acceptance of all feelings, thoughts and experiences. Breathwork has been an incredible tool on this path, it has created more bodily awareness and embodiment, as well as more ease with the expression of emotions and release in the energetic body. Nanneke studied various forms of Yoga - Raja, Hatha, Yin and Shakti - and now has created a mix of all these elements within her own practice, combining yoga poses with breathwork and dance movements, which feels very light and joyful.

“The body has such a profound wisdom and natural knowing and I feel passionate about the process of becoming more aware of, or tapping into this wisdom.” 

Nanneke is senior assistant at the Becoming Woman Intensive.

More info about Nanneke you can find here.